How to write endless or endless

Endless or endless? What is the correct way to write it? This is a quite frequent linguistic question, since it is a commonly used expression that can generate confusion when it comes to having to write it down and translate it into any of our texts. If you have also raised this question and want to be clear about the answer once and for all, do not miss the following article where we show you in detail how it is written endlessly or endlessly .


If we introduce the term 'endless' written separately in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) we note that it is an adjectival phrase that is used under the meaning of "without number, innumerable, without limit."


  • This festival never ends, it is endless .
  • My brother is an endless, could be all day eating.


Now, the term 'sinfin' written in this way does not exist, since the correct expression that we can find in the RAE is 'endless' with tilde in the second -i. This expression is used to refer to the "infinite quality of something" or the "great number and multitude of things or persons".


  • This product has endless health benefits.
  • In the menu there are endless exquisite dishes.

Therefore, we can conclude that we should write 'endless' or 'endless' depending on what meaning of the above we want to refer.