How to read and speak Mandarin Chinese being a beginner

China has more native speakers than any other country. Mandarin Chinese is very difficult to learn for Western students, since it is a tonal language, and has a writing system based on pictographic symbols.

Steps to follow:


Practice the four tones. Mandarin Chinese is a tonal language that uses four tones. The tone is marked above the vowel in the Romanized pinyin system to write Chinese, but in the actual pictographic character there is no tonal hint. You must memorize the tone associated with each word before it can read characters effectively. The first tone is represented by -, and requires a high tone level. The second tone is shown by the symbol /, and starts high and then rises. The third tone falls first, and then rises, as indicated by its symbol c. The fourth tone starts high and then falls, indicated by.


Start reading words in Chinese with pinyin. Pinyin is the name for the Chinese writing system that uses the Latin alphabet. The main purpose of Pinyin is to help foreigners learn the language, and help young children learn the correct pronunciation.


Write some Chinese characters. The characters are the pictographic symbols that make up the Chinese script. Each character represents a single word. Beginners should start with Pinyin to learn vocabulary words and gradually move towards the easiest way, which are those that require five strokes or less.


Memorize some basic introductory words and phrases to start speaking Chinese. "Ni hao" is the most basic phrase in the language, meaning "hello" or, literally, "how good". Another very important word is "bu", which means "no". The word "yes" is "shi" (sure). The way to say "goodbye" is "zai jian" (dzi-jeeann), which literally means "to see again."


Learn about measured words. One of the hallmarks of Mandarin grammar is the use of meters. These words are used to indicate a quality of an object.