How to avoid overprotecting my son

Sometimes and almost unintentionally, we overprotect our children so that they do not suffer thinking that it is the best without thinking about the possible consequences that can have on the children, as emotional dependence or insecurity before any problem that comes to life. Sometimes, preventing at all costs from suffering or passing through certain situations is a mistake that should be avoided, since in order for a child to mature it must face different situations on its own. That's why from .com we want to guide you on how to avoid overprotecting my son.

Overprotection as education is a mistake

Happiness does not mean that others fight for us, far from it. Parents have the duty to protect the child whenever necessary for their integrity and for their proper development in any field, and this is something totally natural that should always be so.

But we must not confuse that parental protection with not letting the young experience live so that no harm of any kind, physical or emotional, is ever done. Overprotection becomes a problem when it is common in home education.

Strengthen your autonomy to avoid overprotecting

The autonomy of your child is fundamental and you should strengthen it although sometimes it can be uncomfortable. Since they are very young, children can show that they are capable of doing more than their parents can imagine. The only thing your child needs to show you that he is capable is an opportunity and that you can trust his possibilities.

Your mission is not to prevent him from achieving it in case he fails, your duty is to help him teach him strategies so that he is able to face any difficulty of his day to day. Decision-making is essential, you must be able to say yes and know how to say no when you want to say it. Must be able to decide the steps to follow knowing the consequences that can have and to face them.

Responsibility as a key

To increase autonomy you will need a little freedom and above all, responsibility. The responsibility that is awarded to a child must always be consistent with their level of maturity .

This is very important to avoid insecurities, enhancing their autonomy and self-confidence.

Situations where things go well will help your child increase their self-esteem, but when things go wrong, you should not avoid their frustration, you should learn to be tolerant of this frustration by learning from mistakes, as they allow us to learn, rectify and try again.

Support your son

That you demand things from your son or that he has responsibilities does not prevent him from receiving all your support and affection.

Fighting in life or suffering for something does not always mean that the person who does or suffers it is unhappy. It is known that after fighting for something and finally achieving it, the satisfaction is almost insurmountable. Children must go through that, and you should allow it.

For this you must be his guide, his cane, a counselor, but never who does things for him to avoid suffering. Remember that the unconditional love of a mother or father is the best support and the greatest impulse to achieve anything.