How to teach colors in English to children

One of the first lessons we teach children when we introduce English is colors . The children start to work from the nursery and this is usually the best time to start the children in the English language. When we are working with children, it is very effective to support us in all the educational techniques we can. As well as bits of intelligence, educational videos for children, games and everything that comes to mind. In this article, we explain in more detail how to teach English colors to children.

Steps to follow:


Children begin to distinguish colors after one year of age. It is the ideal time for us to start working with the color red . To each color, we will also dedicate at least one week of work exclusively for him. And once the child knows it, then we will go with the next color of the list. If we do it with all the colors at once, the child will have a much harder time retaining it and it will become much more messy.


One of the most important activities when the child is learning a color in Spanish or English, is coloring. Any drawing is good for the child to play and experience the same, either with wax or finger paint.


Children often associate colors with objects that are familiar to them. So, for example, red, they find it easy to identify with the fire truck. Something that catches their attention. So if we work with children's records, we must worry that the image is something completely recognizable by the child. And also that its characteristic color is the one we are working on that week in English.


The day of color is a very fun game for children. We chose a day of the week and we assigned a specific color. Then, that day, both the child and the parents must wear a garment of the color that it touches. We will also repeat the color in English a great number of times throughout the day. This way we will get the child to strengthen the memory of color.