How to help my baby 3 to 12 months to sleep

It usually costs for a baby to fall asleep alone and almost always requires an adult to reassure him and make him fall asleep. But also, the adult who best reassures them must be a family member, and what better way is their father or mother. Then, from we have some tips on how to help your baby sleep if he has between 3 and 12 months of life.

You will need to:
  • A cot.
  • A bottle.

He only sleeps in bed with dad and mom.

The fact that the baby sleeps in the bed of dad and mom is not a bad habit and does not mean that the child has a delay in autonomy in sleep or that he has to suffer from sleep problems. It may simply be that your baby needs to spend a stage of his life sleeping in your bed. What you can do when you are already asleep is to put it in your cradle.

How to favor the passage of the baby from the cradle to the bed

Usually it is a change that is not very difficult. The only thing you have to take into account is that the baby's bed has to provide protection and that you feel welcome, just as you felt in your crib. You also have to continue with the same routines of reading a story or singing a lullaby.

The baby has night awakenings claiming the bottle or chest.

Usually it is about imposing schedules and rhythms of food and sleep to babies, but these have no programmed rhythm. Therefore, if your baby cries at night you have to meet their needs. Well, both sleep and hunger and thirst are signs that the child communicates or tries because he knows them well.

  • Sing or read stories to him to fall asleep and calm down, it will also be a time that both share.