How many puppies can a labrador have?

Labradors are among the most popular dogs, topping the list of the smartest breeds we can find. And if at home you have your labrador bitch is sure you already know how friendly and obedient they can be, in addition to having a simply adorable look.

All these reasons can impel us to look for the perfect companion to impregnate our dog, and without a doubt one of the most important factors to consider in this aspect is the number of puppies that it will have . Although you do not intend to stay with everyone, you should know that they will have to be with their mother for at least the first two months, so it is important to have space and resources to keep them. Do you wonder how many puppies a farmer can have ? In .com we answer it.

What you should know before riding your dog

It is important to keep in mind that it is not enough just to cross your dog to have puppies, you must also have space, patience and financial resources to take care of the little ones for at least two months, the essential time the young must pass by their mother.

The young give a lot of work and we should be aware of this before we cheer up with the idea of ​​crossing our dog. Do not forget that you will be responsible for these animals, to take care of them and to offer them a good home in case they do not stay with you at home, so it is good to meditate before doing so. On the other hand, whether you're planning the ride or if your dog is already pregnant, surely one aspect that interests you a lot is knowing how many puppies a farmer can have and how many dogs you have to take care of. In the next step we explain it to you.

Labradors how many puppies do they usually have?

On average, farmers usually have between 6 and 10 puppies, since it is a large breed. Of course, this is only an approximation since there are many factors that influence the riding and that can result in a delivery with more or fewer offspring. In rare cases, the dog can give birth to up to 14 puppies.

The pregnancy of a farmer lasts between 58 and 64 days, the more puppies the bitch has, the sooner she will give birth because the lack of space and food makes the delivery go forward. In principle it is not necessary to take the dog to the veterinarian to give birth, but we must prepare a place at home that is warm, comfortable and with some privacy so that the animal can give birth and care for their young during the first hours.

You will know that the moment of delivery is approaching when your pet stops eating or drinking water, begins to pant and breathe with difficulty, have a very hard abdomen and suffer from tremors or crying. Faced with these signals normally one day passes and the birth begins, once the children are here we can help our pet in certain aspects, in our article how to help my dog ​​to take care of her puppies we give you some opportune advice.

Aspects that influence the number of puppies

Although on average a normal farmer's labor includes between 6 and 10 puppies, many factors can influence the bitch to have a smaller or larger number of offspring. The first thing you should know is that at each birth the bitch may have a different number of offspring, this will depend on:

  • The inheritance and size of the animal, factors that influence the number of eggs that the dog releases.
  • Age, from the fourth heat, has been observed that calvings have more number of offspring.
  • The feeding of your pet and its optimal nutrition, as well as the general health of the animal.
  • The moment in which the mounts are made . If the same is done during the two fertile days of the dog there is a greater possibility of having a large litter, on the contrary if it is done one or two days before its fertile period, although the sperm of the male can live in the body of the female for up to 48 hours, it is likely that there are not so many alive to fertilize many ovules, which reduces the size of the litter.