How to feed a domestic rabbit

Rabbits are ideal pets : they provide company, they occupy little space, they do not need too much special care, they are docile ... They are good pets for children or families with small houses or who live in a flat. Although caring for a rabbit is relatively easy, we must always take care of it correctly and give it the attention it deserves.

One of the most important factors that we must take into account is your diet and getting you to enjoy a healthy life. So that you do not have any doubt on the subject, in .com we explain how to feed a domestic rabbit .

You will need to:
  • Hay
  • I think
  • Vegetables
  • Water
Steps to follow:


First of all, we must emphasize that rabbits are lagomorphs and not rodents like the mice of those that differ by having two pairs of upper incisors instead of one. This means that the teeth grow continuously and have to chew a lot to wear them out; there are specific care for the teeth of the rabbit and we tell you how to take care of a rabbit's teeth.

In this TEST you will know what animal you are according to your personality


Also, they are herbivorous animals, that is to say, that their main food is vegetables. In this way, even if we give it to you, you should always have hay at your disposal, as well as vegetables and, obviously, water.


To know how to feed a domestic rabbit you should keep in mind that the recommended daily amounts for a rabbit are:

  • 150 g of hay at least
  • 100 g of vegetables per kilo of weight
  • 30g of feed per kilo of weight

If your rabbit does not eat, you should raise the amount of hay and vegetables. But this is just a reference for you to get an idea, since each animal is different. You can ask your veterinarian what your rabbit's ideal weight should be and adapt your diet.


The hay would have to be the main sustenance of the feeding of our domestic rabbit, since it favors the wear of the teeth and, in addition, helps to maintain the digestive system in optimal conditions.


The most recommended vegetables are: chard, celery, chicory, watercress, lamb's lettuce, escarole, green beans (without seeds), pepper, endives, borage, artichoke, arugula, cucumber, carrot and beet greens, Chinese cabbage, clover and dandelion. To a lesser extent, you can give your domestic rabbit spinach, cabbage, tomato, broccoli, carrot, lettuce (green leaves only) or fresh aromatic herbs.


As for the feed, we must bear in mind that it is a complement to the rabbit's diet, not the basis of feeding. We will have to buy a feed rich in fiber and pellets (extruded feed) are recommended, instead of the feed with seeds because the rabbits will choose what they like the most. To the rabbits (rabbit pups) up to 6 months we can feed them unlimited, except in case of obesity.


You should not feed them with vegetables such as cauliflower, potato, onion or garlic. Just as it is not good to abuse fruits, as they contain high amounts of sugar that can be harmful.

Neither should you feed it with nuts with seeds such as seeds, legumes, food for dogs or cats, cooked foods, cheeses and dairy products in general.


Like all pets, our domestic rabbit should always have clean water at his disposal, which we will have to change at least every two days. In addition, it is also recommended to feed our domestic rabbits following a regular schedule, being ideal to feed them twice a day .


As you see, vegetables are essential when feeding a domestic rabbit, for this reason, we recommend that, to avoid nutritional problems, you give 2 or 3 different varieties each day that will perfectly feed the animal and improve its internal functions . You should know that, of all the ingredients, there are some that you should avoid, especially spinach or brown mustard as they are two foods that are rich in oxalate salts and that, consumed in excess, can be harmful to the organism of the body. animal. The pat

Anyway, we recommend that, before making any change in the diet of your domestic rabbit, gradually incorporate the food to prevent the animal from developing any food intolerance or suffer alterations in intestinal transit. Feeding a domestic rabbit is not difficult but we recommend that, if you have any doubt, consult a veterinarian so they can advise you.

In this other article we tell you what are the common diseases of domestic rabbits so that you learn to detect them in time and treat them.


In addition to these specific care in your diet, so that the life of your domestic rabbit is as healthy as possible, you must take care in other aspects such as the ones detailed below:

  • You should take it frequently to the veterinarian for a complete review of your health status.
  • Get hard elements so that the rabbit can wear its teeth: pieces of wood tree branches and so on.
  • Brush your hair frequently.
  • Take it out for a while each day for the rabbit to practice daily exercise .

In we give you more tips on how to care for a domestic rabbit and get, well, that your pet live in the best conditions.

  • Control the weight of your domestic rabbit.