How to feed a chameleon

If you have a chameleon as a pet, you should be careful enough with your diet, and that is that the vast majority of health problems they may have are related to nutritional deficiencies. And not only of what he eats but also of what his prey has eaten up to the time of ingestion. In .com we tell you how to feed a chameleon, so you do not run any risk with your health.

Steps to follow:


Chameleons eat mostly insects, although there are species that eat vegetables and some small invertebrate as is the case of the chameleon of medium size. What you must have very clear is that the diet of a chameleon in captivity is based on dry insects that are usually sold packed or even alive, which are bred to serve as food for your chameleon in specialized sites. It is very important that you take your diet seriously, because the better and more varied it is, the healthier and stronger it will be.


Giving a chameleon food is not an easy task, and you will have to be patient and careful to look for varied and quality food. You should take twice as much calcium as phosphorus, this will involve feeding your prey well for several days, and even sprinkle on them food supplements before you give them to your chameleon for him to eat.

You should also keep in mind that not all insects are good for a chameleon . You must choose insects with a high nutritional value such as: silkworms, locusts or grasshoppers, flies, crickets, cockroaches, among others ... to feed them daily, and from time to time, give some as a reward -wings of honey or of flour- which generally have more fat and chitin.


Even if you try to give it a very balanced diet, to take good care of a chameleon in captivity, you must give supplements to give it the vitamins and minerals that it lacks. There are many brand products designed to complement the diet of your chameleon, the best options, it is worth looking for a supplement with vitamins and calcium, since it is the most complete option.

These supplements should be in powder rather than liquid since they are usually sprinkled on prey. The amount and frequency will vary depending on the age or the time you are in. When they are less than six months old, they are growing, either they are females raising or sick, you have to give supplements every day with all the prey. Once they are older than 6 months, the dose is lowered 3 or 4 times a week. When they are more than a year old, a couple of times a week is enough; however, we recommend consulting an exotic veterinarian to clarify all these questions.


Regarding the amount of food that you should contribute to your chameleon, it will depend on the species and its age and it is important to know to give it the food ration you need to stay strong and healthy.

  • Dwarf chameleon : when you are newborn you have to give a large number of small insects appropriate to their size and not offer any candy like the honey worm. When they are young and adults, you should give them small insects in more regular amounts, from time to time you can give them some prize.
  • Medium-sized chameleon: when it is newborn it is necessary to give it 10 to 15 insects of average size suitable to its size (small grasshoppers, microgrillos, among others). It is also not convenient to give any candy like the honey worm. When they are young and adults, you should give them 5 or 6 medium insects and one day a week you should let them fast; You can also give him a couple of times a week, prizes like tenebrios.
  • Big size chameleon: when you are newborn you have to give 15 to 20 insects of large size suitable for their size (small grasshoppers, aphids, among others). It is not convenient to give him any candy. When they are young and adults, you should give them about 15 or 20 medium or large insects. One day a week you should let them fast, and you can give as much as a couple of times a week, prizes like tenebrios or zophobas.


Regarding the best way to feed your chameleon, the most appropriate option to save you trouble is to use a plastic container, ceramic or similar that has smooth walls and is deep, so that the bugs can not escape climbing and that is not transparent, because the chameleon can believe that he has to hunt them by hitting the feeder. If you are going to feed a flying insect, it is recommended to numb it a bit by putting the prey in the freezer a few seconds so that your pet can hunt it. The feeder should be placed under the branch where it rests inside the terrarium so that it can hunt from above.