How Schistosomiasis is transmitted

This infection is caused by a type of worm ( schistosome ) that enters the blood after swimming or bathing in contaminated water. The disease can cause serious damage to the liver and kidneys, and can lead to death after a few months or years. Sometimes there are no early signs. In some areas, a common sign is blood in the urine or stool. In areas where the disease is very common, people should be tested even if they have mild signs or abdominal pain.

Steps to follow:


A person infected with schistosomiasis urinates or defecates in water.


Urine or feces contain worm eggs infected with schistosomiasis.


As the eggs mature, the worms enter snails that are in the water.


The young worms come out of the snails and enter another person.


This is how a person becomes infected by washing or bathing in water where someone infected has urinated or defecated.

  • Schistosomiasis is best treated with medicines. To find out which medicine to use, see your general practitioner.