How to change the order of the layers in Gimp

GIMP is an advanced graphic design program that can be used to create multi-layered files that can be compressed, as desired, into traditional image files with extensions such as ".jpg" or ".png". You can download the GIMP software for free, visit the GIMP homepage and follow the installation instructions. Start the program and select "File" and then either "new" or "Open" to create a new file or open an existing one.

Steps to follow:


Insert the layers you want to work with. If you have image files that you want to insert, select "File" and "Open as layer" to locate the pre-existing images in the documents. To create a new layer, select the "Layer" option and click on "Create a new layer." In the pop-up box that will appear, click on the background type fill of your choice, such as "Transparency" and press "OK".


Open "layers" by selecting the "Windows" option and clicking on the "Attachable Dialogs" and "Layers" tab. The Layers window will appear, showing a thumbnail image of each layer of your work.


Click on the thumbnail of the layer you want to reorder. To lift that layer, click on the "Up Arrow" icon and the layer will move one step closer to the foreground. To download that layer, click on the "Arrow down" icon and the layer will move one step further towards the bottom.


Hold down the "Shift" key while clicking on the "up arrow" icon if you want to move the layer to the top of the layer stack. Similarly, hold down the "Shift" key while clicking on the "down arrow" icon if you want the bottom layer to go to the bottom of the layer stack.


Save the changes by clicking on "File" and "Save as." Follow the system to enter a file name and press the "Save" button.

  • If you want to hide a layer, you can click on the "eye" icon to the left of the corresponding image in "layers". To "show" a layer, click where the "eye" used to be and the eye will reappear.
  • To save the book as a multi-layer file, use the GIMP native file extension "Xcf". If you only save the book with an image extension, the layers are compressed into a single layer and you can no longer edit the layers separately.