How to open a TGZ file

The TGZ file extension is used for compressed tar files . The tar is a file format that is used with the Linux and Unix system. The "tar" command creates a single file that contains many other files. The tar files are not compressed. Gzip is a Linux and Unix compression format, similar to the ZIP compression format. It is often used to compress tar files. The "tar" command includes options to extract the TGZ files .

Steps to follow:


Open a terminal window or Konsole. The Terminal or Konsole program is located under the main menu of the programs or by right clicking on the desktop.


Enter the command "filename.tgz tar-xvzf" to extract the TGZ file . Replace "file name" with the name of the file.


Type the command "ls" to list the contents of the TGZ file in the directory so that the file is extracted correctly.

  • A tar file compressed with gzip may also have the tar.gz extension.