How to open a SAV file

The SAV format is one in which, for example, all the progress you make in video games is saved; The truth is that there are multiple platforms that create these files and, nevertheless, there is not one that has been created to open it.

If you want to know how to open a SAV file, in .com we show you some small tricks and shortcuts to do it, read on!

Steps to follow:


Do you know what program SAV has created? In this way it would be very easy to open the file. To get some clues, go to the file and click on it with the right mouse button; Next, select 'Properties'.

Go to 'Path to the folder' to find out where it has appeared.


Run the program that created the file in SAV format and then open yours with it. Ready!


You have not been able to? If you know of another program capable of opening it, you can click on the document with the right mouse button and select 'Open with ...' to choose another interface.