How to leave a group on Facebook

In all social networks, and especially Facebook, groups of all types proliferate. It may be the case that someone adds you to one whose content you do not agree with or in which, simply, you are not interested in being. Facebook enables a very simple way to leave the groups and, even, establishes different degrees of disengagement. In .com we explain in detail how to leave a group on Facebook.

Steps to follow:


From the Start of Facebook, we access in the left column the group that we want to leave, by clicking on its name or icon.


Once we are inside the group, we have to press on the gear wheel that is on the right in the horizontal menu. A submenu will be displayed and, in the last item, we will enter Abandon group.


Then, a window will open in which we have several options that allow us different degrees of untying.


What happens when you leave a group on Facebook? Then we will tell you everything you can find when you leave this community:

  • Leave the group . We will stop belonging to the Facebook group and will not receive notifications. If it is a private group, we will not be able to access its content.
  • You can check the box that prevents you from inviting once you leave the group .
  • Stop receiving notifications If we choose this option, although we will continue to belong to the Facebook group, its news will no longer appear in the notices that appear numbered in red every time we enter the social network.
  • Report the group . This alternative allows us to notify Facebook administrators that a group that we believe is spamming, that is harassing you or that has explicit sexual content, among other reasons, has been created.