Orientation signs not to get lost in the forest

If during a walk in the forest you and your friends decide to leave the path and continue each one on one side, point out your trail, this will be very important to indicate to your companions and yourselves the correct route to follow. For this we will use two indicative elements, branches placed on top of the stones or handkerchiefs tied to the branches of the trees. These signals will be posted every 10 minutes.

Steps to follow:


The sign of an arrow made with tree branches means that we are still here. This signal is used to mark the path.


10 minutes of rest, this will indicate that we have stopped a while with what we will mark the progress made.


We are around, an arrow with a rectangle in the base indicates that we have decided to mount the base camp or rest in this area.


Departure point, is a signal that is used to indicate that we have placed our base at that point.


Dead end as we stopped here and went backwards.


Shortcut, we have taken a shortcut on the road that makes us go faster towards our destination.


We continue on this path, indicating that everything is going well and that we are still on the same path.

  • To indicate where we have passed, you can also tie some branches with a thread or rubber so your friends can follow you