How to interpret the body language of cats

People who have companion cats at home know that they are animals that require attention and affection. But how can we interpret what he wants to tell us? I wish they could talk to us to tell us if one day they are happy, receptive, angry ... but although they can not say it verbally, the cats tell us a lot with their body language and expressive, they communicate with us in that way and it's just a matter of observing so we can perceive everything they want to transmit to us. That's why from .com we want to guide you on how to interpret the body language of cats.

Steps to follow:


Rub . When they are friends to them, they rub any part of the body with the other to show their friendship, in this way they greet. They use their sense of smell to recognize other cats and people they know. You can also rub with yourself because you are marking your territory.


In alert position . If the cat is with the body tilted, with the ears flattened and thrown back, the chin protecting his body, the nails taken out, the bristly coat, shows a little teeth, moves the tail to one side and another and growls ... Be careful, you are in a threatening position because you are receiving something or someone as a threat and you can attack or flee. It is not advisable to touch the cat in this state because it could attack you, it is better to let it calm down .


Head. If you stretch your head towards you it is because you want to rub yourself with you as a sign of friendship or to be caressed. Crouching your head can also be a sign of submission, and if you elevate it, it is because you feel confident .

If you have your ears forward you may be exploring the territory and feeling relaxed.

If you put your ears flattened back, you are afraid or in attack position.


The eyes If you open your eyes a lot and have whiskers and ears forward, you are attentive. When the eye contact is prolonged is their way of telling us that they are seeing us, although sometimes it can mean a threat (we must observe the other bodily signs). The half-open eyes are that your cat is sleepy, but if you are awake and have them half open, be alert, you may be sick or have an infection.

Dilated pupils can be in low light, because he is attentive to something or because he is going to attack.


The whiskers. The whiskers help your cat measure the width of places or the proximity of objects. But they also show us their state of mind . If you are afraid or angry, they will lean back, if you are interested (for example, to keep your chin stroking) you will throw your mustaches forward), if you are relaxed you will have your mustache to the side.


Mouth. If your teeth are gnashed and you growl, it is clear that you are in a position of aggression. If you yawn, it may be a sign that you are not threatening. Parting the mouth is not a sign of threat, since it is how your cat analyzes the aromas.


The tail The language of the tail of the cats is very extensive and very rich, since they tell us many things about their state of mind. You have to look carefully because it complements a lot of the information that you tell us with the rest of the body. We will highlight briefly: If the tail is swollen you can tell us that you are excited (or angry). The pointed tail with a curved back, tells us that it is facing a threat . If the tail in tip is with smooth, happy movements and even jumps before his master, he tells us he is happy . If your cat is indifferent, he will walk with his tail raised too, but if he is inclined the tip in the form of a hook will tell him that he is in a good mood. If your cat wags his tail from side to side fast it will mean that he is angry, but if he moves slowly he will be telling you that he wants your affection and your attention . Your cat can also move his tail slowly while lying down with his eyes closed, indicating that he is dreaming or imagining pleasant things.


It is very important to remember that it is necessary that you offer your cat from the first week all kinds of pampering and caresses in order to generate a warm and positive bond and thus be able to set limits without aggressiveness and to be able to coexist harmoniously.


If you have any questions go to your veterinarian and it will solve any doubt you have about your cat.