How to make fire - Complete manual!

If we are in the field or we want to learn how to make fire without having matches, lighters or other instruments that help us build a fire, we must bear in mind that this article will help us a lot because besides explaining how to make fire, we will explain it to you in two different methods and thus adapt to the elements you have.

Fire with the friction method

The method of friction to make fire is the most used and traditional, comes from our ancestors the primitive humans who learned to make fire using this method. For this you need to follow the following steps:

- Take a rigid wood, as dry as possible. We will make a hole so that the stick is fixed and we can make it spin more comfortably.

- Under the hole made in the wood we will put dry leaves or sticks that we will find in the nests of animals (this is the best material). It will also help us to make a little wind but not too much

- It will help us to do this operation in the sun and above all that everything is well dry.

- We will spin the club with energy.

Fire with the lens or lens method

To make fire with this method to make fire is more novel since since it is logical not more than 100 years ago that the magnifying glass has been invented, this method has a very clear advantage, that is less tired than the previous one, but also has a contra, that you need a good intensity of sun to make fire. The steps to get fire with this method are the following:

- The magnifying glass should be of the highest possible magnification. Also if it is glass better than plastic.

- We will put the magnifying glass at about 50 centimeters from the dried leaves or material that we use to make a fire.

- We have to take advantage of more sunny hours (11-13)

Making fire with a balloon and water

As you can see in the image, we will use a balloon filled with water to emulate the effect of a magnifying glass . Water manages to replicate this effect. It is a more difficult method and you will need very good conditions to achieve it.