How to make the game of hunting balls

This game is very fun and requires a bit of skill and aim, but the more you play, the better it will be. The game consists in passing the ball from one to the other, by hunting balls. The player who manages to pick up the ball five times in a row wins the game. Look at the following article with steps on how to make the game of hunting balls.

You will need to:
  • Two tall plastic containers
  • A ping-pong ball
  • 8 bands of elastic rubber
  • Thick cardboard and thin cardboard
  • Glue
  • Pencil
Steps to follow:


First of all draw two circles on the cardboard, using as a guide the bottom of a plastic container (a). Cut them ½ cm smaller and then cut the bottom of the plastic container (b).


Then do the ball hunt in the same way as the cannon. Instead of a cardboard tube, use a plastic container along with the circles you have cut out.


Cut out a strip of thin cardboard, about 23 cm wide by 10 cm long. Glue it to the bottom of the balls, as you see in the drawing. Now you must make another equal.


Finally, place them 3 m away each, with a ball hunt. The game consists of throwing the ball from one to another, by hunting balls. The player who manages to collect the ball five times in a row wins.