How to make racing boats with corks

Make cork boats and put them to float on a tray with water. Color the paper candles if you want. Each player holds a stick with a magnet under the tray and moves a boat through the water. So you can do boat races. Place the tray on two stacks of books, making sure it is level. Place the tray in the water until it is approximately 3 cm deep. Float the boats and the buoy in the water. Look at the following article on how to make boat races with corks.

You will need to:
  • Various corks
  • Some clips
  • Some sewing needles
  • Some nails
  • A plastic tray
  • Horseshoe magnets
  • Thin wooden sticks
  • Paper and tape
Steps to follow:


First of all, fold one end of each clip and insert one end inside each cork just as it appears in the image.


Then insert a needle on the other side of each cork. Cut small triangles of paper and tape them with candles to the needles in the corks.


Next, place a magnet on one end of each stick and glue it firmly with tape.


Finally, make a cork buoy for the boats to run around. Put a nail in one end of the cork and a needle in the other. Cut a small paper flag and attach it to the needle with ribbon.