How to create a Jeopardy game in PowerPoint

Making your own Jeopardy game with Microsoft PowerPoint can be a fun way to answer trivia questions at home or to help a class review for an upcoming exam. The easiest way to make a Jeopardy game with PowerPoint is to download a free template. You can then add your own question and answer categories and modify the template with your own colors and graphics. If you prefer, you can create your own Jeopardy PowerPoint game from the beginning.

Steps to follow:


Open Microsoft PowerPoint. In the window that appears, choose the option "Blank presentation" and click "OK". In the automatic design box, choose the blank presentation layout and click "OK."


Go to the "View" menu and select "patterns, " and then "Slide Master." Go to the "Format" menu and select "Background." Choose a background color from the drop-down menu and click "Apply to all." Change the types and sizes of letters in the slide pattern, if desired.


Go to the "View" menu and select "slide." Go to the "Insert" menu and select "Table". In the pop-up menu that appears, choose five columns and six rows.


Enter a name for each category in each column of the top row. In the next row, write a 10 in each column. Write 20, 30, 40 and 50 years in the rows below.


Select all the text in the table. Go to the "Format" menu and click on "Paragraph". Change the justification to "centered".


Go to the "Insert" menu and click on "New slide". Write a question on this slide. Add photos if you wish.


Go to the "Insert" menu and select "Image", then "AutoShapes". In the pop-up menu that appears, select the drop-down list menu, then choose a backward arrow. Adjust the size and location of the arrow.


Select the arrow Go to the "Insert" menu and click on "hyperlink". In the pop-up menu, select "Place in this document." Select the first slide, click "OK". This arrow will now allow you to return to the main screen after you have finished the question.


Go back to the first slide. Select the number of points you want for this question in the appropriate category.


Go to the "Insert" menu and click on "hyperlink". In the pop-up menu, select "locate in this document." Click on the slide with the question you just created, then click "OK."


Repeat steps 6 through 10 for each question, until all the points values ​​in the table are linked. You may want to copy and paste your original question, then simply change the question, so you do not need to format the slide and add the "back" button each time.


Go to the "View" menu and select "Slide Show". Test the game and make the necessary adjustments.

  • To play the game, click on the value of the question point in the category you want, then answer the question. Click on the back arrow on the question slide to return to the main screen.