How to create an alphabet soup

The alphabet soup is a very entertaining hobby that consists of looking for words that are hidden in a grid full of different letters. The words can be found vertically, horizontally, diagonally and in any direction. Normally, word soups are of a specific theme. On the internet there are many pages that offer you the possibility of creating your own alphabet soup. Here we propose one of them.

In also we teach you how to create a crossword.

You will need to:
  • Computer
  • Internet
Steps to follow:


Go to the following link: alphabet soup


Enter the title of your alphabet soup (optional)


Enter the size of your alphabet soup. This may have a maximum of forty horizontal and forty vertical words although they recommend that the optimal letter soup is 15x15.


Here you are offered three options: use each letter only once, share letters occasionally and share letters as much as you can. Choose the option you prefer.


Choose one of these options: HTML if you want to print the alphabet soup directly, TEXT if you prefer to copy it and paste it in a Word document or LOWERCASE TEXT that is the same as TEXT but with lowercase letters.


Enter the words you want to appear in your alphabet soup. Separate them by commas, spaces or by typing each word in a line.


Click CREATE MY PUZZLE and check that your alphabet soup is correct.


Click SOLUTION and you will see where your words are hidden. If you do not like alphabet soup, go back and click SOLUTION again. The words will have changed place. Do it as many times as you want until you find the option that you like the most.


If you want to print the alphabet soup, click on Print this page .


This program that we teach you is a perfect tool to make your lyrics soups. We can also teach you how to create your own crossword puzzle.

  • Print this page so you can easily follow the instructions while using the program on your computer.