How to calculate the distance of a storm

Sometimes it can be quite useful to know certain meteorological information, such as if we are scouts and we come across a storm in the middle of the forest, or if we are sailing, it is good to know if it approaches or moves away from us. For the same reason, and because knowledge does not take place, the .com will explain how to calculate the distance of a storm .

Steps to follow:


Calculate the distance of a storm is very simple, the first thing you should do is to count the seconds that pass from when you hear the thunder until you see the lightning.


With these data, apply a simple mathematical rule: Distance in kilometers = No. of seconds / 3. For example, if 9 seconds pass between thunder and lightning, it will be about 3 kilometers away.


Repeat this operation several times. If the result is getting smaller, it is that the storm is approaching you, however, if the number increases, then it means that the storm is moving away.


This explanation has a scientific basis and resides in the fact that light and sound do not travel at the same speed . Light travels at 300, 000km / s, while sound travels at 331m / s. The result is not an exact science, but it will be very useful to get an idea and calculate the distance of a storm.