How to calculate the cubic size of an object

A cube is a three-dimensional object. Calculating the measurements and values ​​in cubes is a task that you may have to perform in basic math classes in elementary school, or in advanced math courses in college. Finding the cube of an object is a process of measuring and multiplying a number by itself three times. Cubic measurements are often used to indicate volume quantities.

You will need to:
  • Tape measure or a ruler
  • Calculator
Steps to follow:


Measure the dimension of an object with a tape measure or ruler, depending on the size of the object.


Multiply the measurement by itself. For example, if you have a measurement of 8 centimeters, multiply 8 by 8 to obtain 64.


Next, multiply the result of step 2 by the same measurement one more time. In this example, you would have to multiply 16 by 8 to obtain 512 cubic cm.


Express your answer in cubic terms if it is a measurement. In this example, it would have 512 cubic centimeters . Another way to write this is 512 centimeters ^ 3.


This is because the volume of a cubic object is the following:

Volume = base 1 * base 2 * height = b1 * b2 * a

Let's imagine that we have a cubic object that does not have the same dimensions, for example:

  • b1 = 5 cm
  • b2 = 10 cm
  • a = 12 cm

The volume of this object will be:

V = b1 * b2 * a = 5 cm * 10 cm * 12 cm = 600 cubic cm.

  • This method only works with cubic objects. Spheres and cylinders, for example, require different equations to determine the cube of those objects.