How to act before the eruption of a volcano

In recent years volcanoes have made theirs, eruptions and especially volcanic ash have paralyzed air traffic, affecting thousands of people, and although thanks to current monitoring technologies it is difficult for a volcanic eruption to surprise you, If you live near a volcano or plan a vacation somewhere with a crater, it is important that you know how to act when a volcano erupts

Steps to follow:


Before the awakening of a volcano is important to stay informed, to be aware of what the authorities say to know if it is necessary to evacuate the area


Always follow the directions of the authorities and if they announce an eviction do not resist. It is important to plan where you and your family could go in case it is necessary to vacate, have all the contact number of the place you are going and prepare a plan in case of emergency. At the time of evacuation take with you drinking water, meals, a radio, flashlight and batteries, being prepared is important


Before leaving home, cut off all service supplies to prevent leaks that may damage your property in the event of a rash.


In the event that the volcanic ash covers the area where you live, it is important to seal the doors and windows of your house with sacks, to prevent ashes from entering, and to leave only if necessary. Try to protect your eyes with glasses and your mouth with a mask or a wet handkerchief


If you must drive in an emergency or evacuation do it slowly to avoid lifting ash that could affect the engine of your vehicle. Prepare a plan and know the escape routes . If you live near a well researched and well supervised volcano, it is likely that you can obtain a risk map. These maps show the probable trajectories of lava flows and lahars (debris flows) and give estimates for the minimum time a flow would need to reach a particular location.


If the volcano erupts stay away from the lava, even from the one that seems dry and solid, never walk on it and avoid being near the rivers and channels because they are good conductors of magma. Avoid the inhalation of poisonous gases . Volcanoes emit a series of lethal gases, and if you are close to one when it erupts, these gases can kill you in less than a minute. Breathe through a respirator, mask, or a piece of damp cloth.


Always follow the directions of the authorities, they are the experts and their advice could make the difference between keeping you safe or not

  • If a volcano awakens the most important thing is to stay informed about its status
  • If the authorities ask you to evacues follow their recommendations
  • Develop an emergency with your family to be prepared in any case