How to train a doberman

Doberman dogs have a guardian instinct because of their loyalty to their family but, contrary to popular belief, they do not pose any danger or are aggressive as long as they are trained without fear. In addition, it is easy to educate them because it is one of the most intelligent races. The ideal age at which you can begin the training of a Doberman is at 6 months, although when they are older it is also possible. In we guide you on how to train a doberman.

Steps to follow:


The prizes are the best ally to get your pet is happy to obey you. Every time your doberman does something right, reward him with a special dog cookie while praising and caressing him. He will be very happy to have you as his master and will be proud to have done the task entrusted to him.


Socialization is essential so that these dogs can be in contact with people and other dogs peacefully and without posing any threat. To do this, walk your doberman through parks and places where dogs are allowed, places where you can meet people and other animals. At first, it will show shyness or overprotection towards you and you will have to reassure him with praise, but insisting will get used to being surrounded by more people.


These animals must understand the "no" order to prevent them from taking rebellious behavior. In this way, when you do something wrong, look him in the eye and point to him with your finger while you say "no" firmly. On the other hand, do not try to physically punish him because besides being a crime this method does not work against them.


In addition, to educate this breed it is important that this be able to be still and calm. Therefore, you have to be prepared to sit or bend over when you request it. First, have your dog sit in front of you repeating the order " sit down " and push your back down to complete your task. He will associate this order with that action. Next, give him a cookie and he will understand that if he does that task he will receive a prize.

Obviously this exercise should be practiced regularly so you can understand it. Each time you practice it, maintain eye contact and make the exercise end by looking you in the eye. Soon, it will not be necessary to press your back to feel and will do it on its own. You can see more details in the article How to teach a dog to sit.


The strength of a Doberman increases when it grows. Therefore, you should buy a more resistant necklace as it grows. For adult males, a collar with muzzle is recommended.

While walking with your dog to the side, keep your leash slightly loose, and if you start to pull it gives a firm pull while you say the order "still" high and with a determined tone. Next, walk in another direction so that you get used to the decisions you make. Then it will stop, look at you and follow you. Once you do this task, praise him and give him a prize or some caresses so he understands that you are satisfied with his performance.

This same exercise you can also practice to get the Doberman walk slowly by your side, doing the same steps mentioned, except the change of direction. With constant practice, there will come a time when you will not need to pull off your leash, but will obey simply by hearing your "quiet" command.


Another order that you can teach him is one so that he bends down. To achieve this, take advantage of the moment you are seated and stand by your side while holding a sausage or a piece of meat that you can eat in your hand. Then guide him to the ground at the same time you say "down", and your doberman will stoop to smell the food. There you have to push him down so he can lie on the ground. Next, give him the meat and praise him. If you need to stay crouched longer, keep saying "down" while still in that position. You must insist a lot on these exercises, but eventually you will get him to learn the commands.


Regarding the duration of the training, each session should take between 5 and 10 minutes. What is considered most appropriate is to perform these exercises and similar exercises with different commands four times a day. The intonation that you should use must be strong and firm, however when you praise it, use a cheerful tone.

  • Show your dog that you are his leader through training. He must recognize you as his master and understand that decisions are made by you.