How can I claim debts without a lawyer or attorney?

We live immersed in a context of economic crisis, in which the non-payment of debts is increasingly frequent, triggering delinquency, which is forcing the closure of many businesses, or the accumulation of unpaid debts . In addition, it is estimated that delinquency will increase in the coming years, further aggravating this situation. On the other hand, we know that, although it is a global crisis, in Spain the economic crisis is especially serious. That's why from .com we want to explain how you can claim debts without a lawyer or solicitor.

Steps to follow:


The monitoring process (from the Latin monitus, which means admonition, warning or warning) was introduced into our legal system by the new Law of Civil Procedure 1/2000, given the effectiveness that this procedure had had in other countries in our environment to provide protection fast and effective liquid credit credit of many creditors (especially professionals and small and medium entrepreneurs, but can be used by any type of creditors).


You can go to the payment process who seeks another payment of debt money of any amount, liquid, determined, due and enforceable, when the debt is credited in any of the following ways: 1) Through documents, whatever their form and class or the physical support in which they are found, that appear signed by the debtor or with his stamp, mark or mark or with any other sign, physical or electronic.2ª) By means of invoices, delivery notes, certifications, telegrams, telefax or any other documents that, even unilaterally created by the creditor, are those that usually document the credits and debts in relations of the class that appears existing between creditor and debtor. "


The request or initial request for the payment procedure is not necessary neither Attorney nor Solicitor.


The processing of the payment process is very simple, and you can get to collect the debt without coming to trial. Basically, its initial processing can be summarized as follows: Once we have submitted the initial request or petition in the Court of First Instance of the domicile or residence of the debtor (or the place where it could be found) and it is admitted for processing, the Court Clerk It will require the debtor to pay the creditor within 20 days, crediting it before the Court, or appear and submit a written opposition stating briefly the reasons why it understands that it should not, in whole or in part, the amount claimed. In this requirement, the Court will warn the debtor that if he does not pay or appear for reasons that he refuses to pay, forced execution will be issued against him as if it were a judicial decision.


It is a process that can be used by the landlord of urban real estate to claim from the tenant the income or amounts owed by it, or to claim invoices for works and services.

  • If you do not feel qualified to claim the debts by yourself, consult with a lawyer.