How to do a job interview

When you have a coordination or management position within a company it is almost inevitable to conduct job interviews in order to recruit candidates for a certain position, but not everyone is comfortable doing this activity, that's why we give you some suggestions so you know what are the key points about how to do a job interview

Steps to follow:


Each company works differently, but usually first the member of the interested department interviews the candidates and then passes their selection to human resources who are in charge of completing the process, in any case filtering the candidates is of the utmost importance


For the first interview, invite the candidates individually so that you can evaluate their profile and development, introduce yourself and make them feel welcome, be kind because the idea is that they feel in an environment where they can be frank


Study the candidate's resume before the interview, and if there are some points that draw your attention, call them to talk about them


Ask about your previous work experiences and because you think you are the right person for this position, that will allow you to create a profile of the candidate


Some opportune questions to determine the profile of the candidate during a job interview are: tell me about your strengths and weaknesses in the work area, what is the biggest labor conflict that you have faced and how did you handle it? your medium and long-term goals? What are your expectations regarding this position?


Tell him about the position you are aspiring to and also mention the profile of the person you are seeking for the position, so you will know what you are facing and what your possibilities are


Listen to what the interviewee says, observe it, pay attention to body language, its presentation and punctuality, all these details count when estimating the profile of a person


If during the interview it is clear that the person does not meet the desired profile and the final decision is in their hands it is better to communicate it than to keep it waiting for a call, as a candidate this detail is appreciated


If after interviewing several candidates you do not know which one to choose, move on to a second round of more in-depth interviews, get advice from human resources so they can indicate the strategies to apply

  • Be friendly so that the interviewee feels comfortable
  • As an interviewer speaks little and listens more, you have little time to determine if that person is the right one for the company
  • If you liked the candidate's profile, get recommendations by calling the contacts indicated in your CV or your past jobs, the references are important