How is a fault judgment

Within the Criminal Code not all offenses are constitutive of crime, there are also the offenses, and this type of transgression is resolved through a judicial process much simpler and simpler than the acts of a more criminal constitution. Do you want to know what exactly this procedure consists of? In .com we explain how is a fault judgment .

Steps to follow:


The offenses are those infractions of the Penal Code that are punished with minor penalties . At the time of being investigated and prosecuted, its procedure is much simpler and simpler than would be needed for the prosecution of a crime considered more serious.

This more elementary judicial process, which involves these minor infractions, is called "misdemeanor" .


We can differentiate between two types of fault judgments, one of an immediate nature, celebrated with agility and extreme speed, especially for more urgent faults or when the citation of all those involved is easy; and the ordinary one, which will be applied in the rest of the cases.


Derived from its speed and simplicity, the trial of immediate faults can be carried out before the Court of the Guard or the Court of Gender Violence, after the corresponding report of the Judicial Police, which will know the facts through a complaint or by direct intervention It is usually reserved for lack of injuries and ill-treatment; insults, slander and unfair humiliation between relatives or minors in custody or guardianship of public or private centers, and for theft caught in flagrante delicto.


The ordinary misdemeanor trial is held at the request of an attestation of the Judicial Police, by complaint or by complaint. The usual thing is that the case is seen by the Court of Instruction of the place where the events took place. In case of gender violence, it may be held in the court of the place where the victim resides and, in some cases in particular, may pass through the Magistrate's Court .