How to avoid overweight in dogs

Overweight is a very common condition among domestic pets, especially in those dogs that have been sterilized. In addition to the fat that has required this surgical intervention, certain small, medium and large breeds are susceptible to obesity. That our dog suffers from overweight is an aspect that should worry us since it can lead to more serious health problems such as high cholesterol, diabetes or joint problems. If you want to know how to avoid being overweight in dogs and keep your dog healthy, keep reading this article.

Steps to follow:


The first thing you should know is what are the right conditions for your dog to be at risk of overweight:

  • Sterilization alters the dog's metabolism, causing an increase in food consumption
  • The lack of exercise makes the can not burn the accumulated fats or release the tensions of day to day, also causing stress or anxiety
  • Older dogs are more likely to get fat
  • Females gain weight more easily than males
  • Breeds such as Labrador, Golden Retriever, Beagle, English Cocker Spaniel, Basset Hound, Teckel, Chihuahua and Shetland Shepherd are more likely to gain weight because they have a higher proportion of fatty tissue than their muscle mass.


In the same way that we acquire a few extra kilos if we do not follow a balanced diet or ingest excessive amounts of food, dogs also. So the first thing we must regulate is the feeding of our can. For this, see our article on how much a dog should eat and start rationing the food properly.


Exercise is basic to keep the weight of your dog at bay. A sedentary dog ​​will have more chances of gaining weight than an active one. For this reason, visit our article in which we tell you how much exercise time a dog needs to know, according to age and race, the number of walks you should do.


Also, playing games during walks, or at home if the dimensions of your home allow it, will further facilitate the regulation of your metabolism and the loss of accumulated fat. In addition, it will allow you to strengthen the bond with your dog and delimit your position as a leader, through training and coaching. You can teach him to go find the ball so that he runs and spends energy.


The treats should be a way to reward your dog when he has done something right during a workout or when you teach behavior habits. You should not give them without reason or make it a habit because then your dog will not associate them with an adequate behavior and, in addition, you will be favoring overweight.


Even if your dog is elderly, you should not stop exercising with him. You will have to shorten the time of each trip and the intensity of the exercises but not eliminate them completely if you want to maintain your ideal weight and offer a happy and healthy life during your last years.


If you have sterilized your dog recently, you should be even more strict with the regulation of food and physical activity. You may need another type of feed for the changes that the intervention has made in your metabolism, so you should consult your veterinarian which is the best option to avoid overweight.


Obesity can reduce the life expectancy of your dog up to two years, so it is advisable to take into account these tips and try to avoid overweight in your dog.