How to calculate the number of weeks in a year

Some full-time employees are paid per week, it is very important to know the number of weeks in any year. You will have to take into account several factors, such as leap years and excess days in a week, but determining the number of weeks in a year is a relatively simple process. To use a reference, a regular calendar year has 52 weeks, and a day, and a leap year has 52 weeks in a year, plus two days.

Steps to follow:


Determine if the year will be a leap year or not. Leap years add another day for the month of February, so there is a total of 366 days in a year, instead of the regular 365 days in a year. Leap years occur every four years. A previous leap year was 2008.


Divide the number of days of the year by seven, which represents the number of days in a week. The result will give you the number of weeks in a year, plus a decimal indicating the days in excess in the year. These days are not big enough in quantity for a full week.


Multiply the decimal by seven. This will show the number of days in excess in the last week of the year.