How to calculate the increase of the IBI

The Tax on Real Estate (IBI) is a tax that affects all citizens and that must be paid in case of having a real estate. It is paid directly to the municipality of the municipality where the property is located. Its rise is directly related to the economic crisis in the country and the municipalities. With the increase, it is tried that the town halls enter more and can improve their situation. The rise does not affect everyone equally, to know what percentage of increase you have to pay, attentive to .com because it tells you how to calculate the increase in the IBI .

Steps to follow:


If the cadastral valuation of the property is before 2002, the increase of the IBI will be 10% .


If the cadastre update dates between 2002 and 2004, the increase in the IBI to be paid is 6% .


If the assessment of the cadastre after 2005 and before 2007, the increase in the IBI would be non-existent . This group would be freed of any increase, since it is considered that they already pay enough, to be the tax during the real estate bubble .


If the update is between 2008 and 2011, the increase of the IBI is 4%, reaching the level of the tax during the real estate bubble.