How to look for a job at 40

One of the most disadvantaged groups when looking for work are people over 40 years. Once this frontier is crossed, there are usually more difficulties when it comes to finding a stable job, as it happens to many women, recent graduates, disabled or long-term unemployed. With a highly competitive market and high market demands, the search for employment has become a chimera for seniors, given that most companies look for young but experienced profiles.

If you have already reached the quarantine and wish to rejoin the workforce as soon as possible, do not forget to read the following .com article. On this occasion, we want to help you in your job search and for that reason we have compiled the necessary keys so you can learn how to look for work at 40 . With encouragement, enthusiasm and hope you will find a new professional opportunity. Luck!

Steps to follow:


The first thing we ask is that you do not get discouraged. We know that the job search is hard and has its difficulties at 40 but it is important to maintain the spirit and positivism . Try to be optimistic and not let your guard down, when you least expect it, a job opportunity may appear for you. In addition, your attitude will be transmitted in any job interview, so fight hard and transmit confidence and confidence in your possibilities. You will get it!


Upgrade and form without stopping. You must know any news about the professional sector or the job you choose. The continuous training, oriented to your profession, is a guarantee of success, since you will obtain more knowledge that will allow you to be much more competitive in the demanding labor market.


Do not close doors before your time. Try to apply for any job that interests you and open yourself to a range of possibilities that meet the requirements and characteristics that most interest you. If you have not worked for a long time, the important thing will be to find something that you can keep and subsist on, so even if you have dropped your position or the position is somewhat lower, you should consider all the offers, since you are always on time to look for new opportunities.


To face a job interview at 40 you must learn to get the most out of it. Sell ​​yourself well and discover your strengths. It is true that today young profiles are sought because they are more educated but do not forget that your age gives you more experience not only in a professional sector but in life in general.

Emotional maturity can be a great plus when it comes to being hired, as they can provide much more travel. Do not forget that along with that the training will be essential, so try to take advantage of all your knowledge.

In this article we tell you how to act in a job interview.


The more years of contacts, do not forget them. With your 40 years and throughout your professional career you will have met many people with whom you have entered into a working relationship. Use these contacts to access a job, with the advantage that they already know you, know how you are and, above all, how you work and how you develop in the field and work space.

In we give you advice so you can ask for a letter of recommendation, something perfect to be able to have references of other jobs and colleagues.


One of the complications of hiring people who are around or over 40 is the lack of availability or flexibility. This is a plus in any job interview. If you have some flexibility with working conditions and are willing to work at different times (weekends, part-time, holidays ...) you will earn more points when it comes to being hired and will close fewer doors when it comes to finding a work.


Select well the labor market you want to opt for. When you start looking for a job, you should do a small market analysis, not only by looking at what interests you most, but also by looking at current offers, as well as paying attention to the companies in which you can develop professionally and provide more experience.

Another good trick to find a job at 40 is to focus on those companies that have no problem in hiring older people, who are looking for senior profiles . Currently, with the advance of technology you will find thousands of websites that allow you to search for work more easily. Do not miss it!


The online presence nowadays is basic to find a job. As we have highlighted most job offers or job developments are on the Internet, where you will find tools such as consultants, online job boards or social networks. Introduce yourself in these communities to be up to date with all the professional news, inform yourself and acquire new knowledge that will facilitate your reincorporation into the labor market.

In we help you to know how to configure a profile on Linkedin.


Do not hesitate to sign up for occupational training courses or employment workshops aimed at senior profiles, with which you can prepare to access new jobs or promote yourself. This type of training is specific for unemployed people who may be able to obtain contracts through these courses.


Patience, encouragement and good attitude, accompanied by a good presence and image are the keys to look for work at 40 . It is important that you prepare the interviews, that you get the best out of you, that you know how to communicate and transmit everything you know, that they see you as an experienced person and with the desire to continue growing within the personal sphere. Good luck!