How to act in a job interview

If we want to get a job, job interviews are always the first step that is impossible to skip. But for most people it is a stressful process in which they must face long questionnaires in an environment full of anxiety. But being calm and sure of ourselves is the key to success, that's why in .com we explain how to act in a job interview to get the job you want.

Steps to follow:


In job interviews the first impression counts a lot, that's why it is important to take care of our appearance before attending this type of meetings.

Once you have prepared your resume and chosen the ideal clothes to go to your interview, it is time to work the attitude to give the best possible image to your possible employer.


In a job interview maintaining education is essential, so never attend the same eating chewing gum, candy, smoking or smelling cigarettes on clothing. Caring for our appearance also involves looking at the small details to make a good impression.


When you meet your interviewer, he always greets you in a clear and sympathetic way, preferably holding your hand. Many times it's good to introduce yourself with your name, because sometimes there have been many interviews the same day and it's good to be clear who you are among all those CVs.

If you know the name of your interviewer you can treat it by the same, for example: hello Ignacio, what's up ?, good day, I'm so-and-so .


The attitude in a job interview should be the least tense possible. We know you are nervous, but try to take a comfortable posture that makes you look relaxed but always looking professional. Avoid gestures such as playing with your hands, thunder your fingers, biting your lips or nails or playing with your hair, all reveal nervousness.


It is very important to look at our interlocutor's eyes, listening carefully to what he tells us without interrupting him until he gives us the word. Although the place of the interview may seem attractive, avoid getting distracted by looking around, this way you will look like someone focused instead of a curious child.


As much as the interviewer may seem likeable, nice, familiar and even younger or less experienced than you, you should never try to put yourself at their level or take too much confidence during the interview. Do not forget that it is a meeting to get a job, and therefore you will be constantly evaluated.


During the job interview it is advisable to maintain a cordial and open attitude, responding completely to the questions they ask us and always arguing our answers. Avoid to the extent possible to respond only with a yes or no.


The way we talk is fundamental and represents an important percentage of success. That's why we invite you to read our article about how to speak in a job interview so you can take note of all the advice we give you.