How to act in a traffic accident

Responsible driving is essential whenever we go to the steering wheel of a vehicle, to try to reduce accidents as much as possible and the victims who may be involved. Even so, sometimes shocks occur in which we can be involved, either directly, as a witness or by arriving at the accident site moments later. In these cases, we must follow some guidelines to carry out the most correct and not make any mistakes, as they can be moments of tension and nervousness. In this article of .com we tell you how to act before a traffic accident.

Steps to follow:


If we find an accident with victims, the guidelines that we will have to follow will be: protect, evaluate, alert and help (PEAS).


First we have to protect ourselves and the injured, as well as other users when taking measures such as: leaving our vehicle in a place where it does not bother, getting out of the car with the reflective vest on, placing the signaling triangles or removing the Contact key of the cars involved.


Next, it will be necessary to evaluate the situation, checking if there are victims, how many and in what state.


Just after, we will notify the emergency services through the 112 telephone, detailing the location of the incident.


Finally, we will try to help those affected and speak to them to transmit peace of mind. But we should never move them, nor administer any liquid or food.


In case of an accident and there is only material damage, the first step is to protect yourself as in the previous case.


Afterwards, we must take note of the personal data of the other driver or drivers and of the vehicles.


If the two or more drivers are in agreement with the causes of the accident, you must complete the friendly declaration of accident, colloquially known as the part of the insurance. You will have to complete all the boxes in the most detailed way possible.


If the drivers do not agree, it will be necessary to ask for the personal data and telephone number of the witnesses, as well as to call the police to make an attestation and determine guilt.


In both cases, it is necessary to deliver the accident report to the insurance company as soon as possible.

  • In case there are victims, act with the utmost caution possible.