How to open a professional institute

Are you thinking of training young people in a specific trade ? Would you like to give professional training classes in your own center? If you are an entrepreneur and you want to open a vocational training institute, read this article carefully. In .com we give you the keys on how to open a professional institute . Get the accreditation of your City Council, make your business plan and organize the opening process properly. With these tips you will achieve success.

Steps to follow:


Before launching to ask for licenses or making any other movement, decide what type of vocational institute you will open . Keep in mind that it should be a place where people are trained for a specific trade, so try to fit your experiences and your professional field. The most frequent are: aesthetics, cooking, electricity, hospitality or administration, among others.


Market study . You need to know if there is a strong demand on the area you want to create the institute. You must take into account, in addition to the demand, the competition - if there is one - in the place where you wish to open your institute. We recommend you consult our article how to do a market study.


Once you have clear the professional institute that you will open, start with the bureaucracy. Ask for the necessary permits and certifications to open your business. If you have a place but you must do works to adapt it, you must also ask for the work permits that are required. Find out in your City Hall. You can find the details in:

  • How to request an opening license
  • How to request a license for activities and facilities


Business plan In order for your proposal to be accepted, you must prepare a business plan explaining the curriculum that you will offer to your students and the professionals who will develop it. In addition, in it, you must define the type of demand of the institute, which you will have seen after conducting the market study. It includes education and work statistics, as well as the budget and costs of capital investment to open the institute (contracts, taxes, materials, insurance ...). Finally, the plan must contemplate the losses and benefits that are expected in the first two years of the project's life.


Once your business plan is accepted by the municipal government, you must register the institute in the relevant local and state organizations. All the information about it will be provided by your city council. Check it out!


Capital You will need to make a good initial investment to open your professional institute. If you do not have enough money, ask for a loan at your bank or try to obtain a state or private financing . Another option is to find partners and endorsements that can lend you the money required. Look for the best option!


Location It is important that your institute is well placed. It must be accessible and adapted to the environment. In addition, you must comply with all security requirements and regulations .


Once you have the infrastructure of your institute , hire an insurance . It must include the building and everything it contains, in addition to obtaining other insurance that you consider necessary, such as liability.


Buy the equipment It depends on the profession that you develop in your training institute, you will have to provide one or other materials. Make a list with everything you need before to not forget anything.


Hire staff The institute can not take it alone, so think about the different jobs you need to cover and make the contracts . Put the job offers on specialized web pages and start the interviews with the selected ones. In the drafting of teacher offers, try to put the requirements of each position: studies, professional experience ...


You have the permits, the building, the teachers ... The most important thing is missing ... The students! Make a good publicity campaign through public institutes and schools, newspapers or local newspapers, billboards or local radio and television. Everything is good when it comes to attracting your future students .


Once you have the places covered with your enrolled students, you can start teaching at your professional institute. !! Congratulations!!

  • Create a web page. Through it you can disseminate your courses, opportunities and a job board. With these options you will gain students.
  • Keep a continuous training and update your center constantly. It seeks to offer the latest in the sector.