7 key questions in job interviews

During job interviews it is imperative that you are asked questions to dig deeply into your passions, your skills, commitment and problem solving. But focusing only on your job responsibilities and abilities at the beginning is not what an interviewer will do, since he will try to inquire about the personality, ambition and preferences of each possible employee. In this article we offer you the 7 key questions in the job interviews that you must know how to deal with in order to successfully overcome this process and be able to apply for that job position.

Initially, what do you find interesting about this job?

This question will help you determine if you really care about knowing the company and understand the work. If your answer is detailed and reveals that you have done the research on the company and the role, it is possible for them to adjust well.

If on the other hand, you give a generic answer that does not show any understanding of what the company does or what the position demands, you are only "a desperate looking for any type of work" and they will not hire you.

In this article we give you more tips on how to respond in the job interview.

Have you visited our website?

Much attention is paid to the level of detail of your response. If you seem to be stuck with your guard down or stumble on your answers, without giving details about the website, chances are you have not done your research.

For them, if a candidate did not bother to open the website before the interview, it is likely that he is not really interested .

What salary do you need?

It is not an invitation to a salary negotiation. They just want to know what salary you need to cover your bills and the number that will leave you alone.

This helps them turn their attention away from money and let you know that the salary is not the most important thing they have to offer, but real work is what matters. So be smart and indicate the minimum wage that you accept taking into account that the ability to negotiate or extend salary may occur when you take some time in the company. Be patient.

In we help you about how to answer about salary expectations in a job interview.

For how much money do you go to another company?

In general, it is presented as a hypothetical situation . You do your job with the exact salary that you asked for and you love everything related to the company and the position. Then you get a job offer from another company and how much money do they have to offer you to leave?

This is very important, since a great candidate will say that a job he loves is worth more than money (as long as he covers his expenses). A mediocre candidate, will say double or triple the salary and a bad candidate will say that it goes for less than double. They want to hire someone who does not work just for money .

Have you ever left without completing your homework?

This question will reveal if you are a dedicated employee . A bad perspective is to say that you left the tasks until the next day; A good candidate will say that the day is not over until there is no more work.

They want someone who cares about helping the company, not someone who loses focus and leaves at the first opportunity.

How do you take over if a partner does not complete a task?

Establish a scenario to determine your commitment. Suppose you are working on a project at 10pm on a Friday and you receive a call from an angry customer because someone in the company missed an important deadline. A great worker takes the task and does it himself . A mediocre employee notes the details, refers to his co-worker to solve the problem later.

It is important that you be able to take the initiative, even if it means taking over for the good of the company.

Can you solve this problem?

They pose obstacles, although the stage is not something you have experience. Evaluate your strengths for problem solving and analysis. They ask you how you would handle a problem that the company really faces for them to know how you would have tackled it.

Here they do not look for a correct and incorrect answer, they are looking for an idea of how you process and think a question . Think aloud.