How an electric car works

The electric car is one of the vehicles targeted by people and institutions concerned about the environment, in search of a means of transport that does not contaminate. However, its price, somewhat higher than that of the traditional ones, and the few recharge points, make that at present they are not yet a realistic alternative. In .com we explain in detail how an electric car works.

Steps to follow:


An electric car is the one that moves thanks to one or more electric motors. You should not confuse it with hybrid vehicles, which combine electric and thermal engines.


When being in march, the electrical cars do not generate any contamination, which makes that they are thought of as the cars of the future and their use is promoted from the institutions.


However, electric cars do have environmental impact: the derivative of the manufacture of batteries.


These car batteries are the ones that provide the power to the electric motor . When they are unloaded, the car can not move. Therefore, before all the energy is consumed, it is necessary to connect the car's battery to the electrical network . Depending on the model, the battery charge may last up to 9 hours.


One of the disadvantages of the electric car is that there are currently not many public charging points. In addition, at the moment, batteries offer little autonomy and electric cars can not reach high speeds.


A great advantage, on the other hand, is that they do not need a lot of maintenance and that they do not make noise when driving.