How to take care of my motorcycle

The motorcycle is one of the most practical means of transport that exist, because they allow us to move around in cities with a lot of traffic in an effective way, besides its cost and maintenance is much less than that of a car. However, this also requires special attention in order to keep it in the best possible state. In .com we explain the basics so that you discover how to take care of your motorcycle and make it last for many years.

Steps to follow:


As with cars, motorcycles also require a complete annual review by a specialist, so it is best to take it to your trusted garage to check the engine and the condition of the tires and bodywork.


One of the most important aspects regarding motorcycles is the change of oil . It is advisable to check the oil every 5000 or 10, 000 kilometers traveled, everything will depend on the model of the motorcycle. Normally the users do it annually at the moment of carrying out the revision of their motorcycle in a workshop, if the same one is new it agrees to follow the instructions that are indicated in the manual of use. Take into account that during the summer more oil is consumed, while in winter it yields a little more.


The maintenance of the brake pads of our motorcycle is very important, because our safety depends on its correct functioning. It is recommended to do a review every 10, 000 or 15, 000 kilometers, depending on your city and your driving style. In cities with more slopes it is convenient to do the revision at 10, 000km.

When the brake pads have 2 millimeters or less of active part left, it is advisable to change them.


Monitoring the tires is part of the fundamental care of our motorcycle. It is advisable to always do it before leaving, making sure that they do not have cracks, holes, breaks or any pronounced wear that could put our safety at risk. Once the tires are worn, do not wait too long to make the change.


Also every 10, 000km it is recommended to clean the air filter, responsible for preventing dirt from entering the engine of our motorcycle. If you live in an area where you drive on streets with too much dust or dirt, you should clean the air filter every week.


The coolant, which protects the engine of the motorcycle during the summer heat and the winter frosts, should be changed approximately every two years, although if the use of the motorcycle is very frequent, traveling long distances, it is advisable that the do before.


The fork oil helps our bike cushion more efficiently, preventing it from being affected by bumps or unevenness on the road. Also lubricates all the components of the bike that come into action when it is circulating, so its action is very important.

It is recommended to check it regularly, this aspect should be included in the annual mechanical review.


The chain of our motorcycle must always be tight and oiled, however they are the components that stand most, being able to withstand up to 30, 000km without the need to be replaced. In the annual review we can check your status and confirm when it is time to change it.


The battery of the motorcycle usually has a useful life of two years, after which it is advisable to replace it, always after reviewing your mechanic. Remember that during the winter it is advisable to recharge it regularly to prevent frost from affecting your state.

Between 6000 and 12, 000km you will have to make a review of the spark plugs, accessories that usually give few problems on the bikes.


If you have a new motorcycle and follow the instructions in the manual it is very likely that it will last you a long time in good condition. Do not forget to perform the annual mechanical checks, drive with caution and always go to the mechanic if you notice that your bike has a fault or atypical noise.