How to charge the car air conditioner

To load the air conditioning of the car we will need a series of devices that we can rent or buy. It is a relatively complicated operation, but we can do it ourselves if we do not want to leave our car in the workshop and disburse an amount of money that we can certainly invest in another issue. In .com, we explain how to charge the car's air conditioning .

You will need to:
  • Refill kit, coolant, eye protection goggles, gloves
Steps to follow:


We start from the idea that you have already detected that the air conditioning system of your car is unloaded. The first thing to do is put on some eye protection and gloves for your hands.


Before proceeding to introduce the refrigerant, we must check that the condensing coils are clean of debris . In addition, somewhere in the engine compartment, there will be a sticker on which the manufacturer tells us the amount of oil and the type of coolant needed.


We connect the recharging kit to the two ports of the system, high and low pressure (the latter is the thickest) and empty the air system, including the charging hose, for the process to be effective. The refrigerant bottle is connected to the charging hose and we open the low pressure valve, which will be used to charge the system.


When the system is empty, it will start sucking on the refrigerant. When finished do it, we turn on the car and the air conditioning, so that the gas of the bottle keeps on passing to the system.


Checking the high and low pressure levels and comparing them with those indicated by the manufacturer, we will know if the refrigerant bottle has already been emptied. If this is the case, we remove the first bottle, purge the charging hose and place the new bottle to finish the process.


We remove the charging kit, close the engine cover and check that the air conditioner works correctly.

  • If you do not have the necessary knowledge, it is preferable that you go to a workshop to avoid accidents or damage to the system.