Rituals for the summer solstice

The term summer solstice comes from the Latin and means "the sun stops" and it is the moment when the Sun reaches its highest point with respect to the Equator. This happens - in the northern hemisphere - around June 21, the longest day and the shortest night of the year. Also, this astronomical phenomenon is also linked to a large number of pagan rites and also to the Christian festival of San Juan . If you want to know some of the rituals for the summer solstice, we recommend this article from.

Ritual on the beach or at home

The best thing to do when doing this ritual for the summer solstice is to do it on the beach, but those people who live in a city without sea or find it difficult to travel there can also do it in the garden or terrace of the house. In the absence of seawater, you will need a basin of water to which you can add baking soda and sea salt. Also, you must light the fire that will not necessarily have to be a big bonfire (do not make temerities at home!), But you can use a pan or other utensil where you can plant fire without risk or place a large candle.

Before performing the summer solstice ritual, we must purify ourselves and for this we must fill a glass jar or glass with water; keep in mind that then you must break it, so choose the most appropriate. Next, you should concentrate on the liquid so that the water absorbs all the negative energy and impurities of the aura.

Then throw the water from the jar to the ground, but always behind us and without looking at where the water falls. It is essential not to get wet, since this water contains all the negativity. Once this is done, we should throw the glass or container in the trash; It is recommended to put it in a plastic bag and break it then.

Once clean, we must feed the energy of the Fire offering the aromatic herbs and a handful of sugar or cinnamon powder. Next, we will eliminate everything we want to disappear from our lives . We will write on a piece of paper everything we do not like and then throw it into the fire. After this, we will have to jump over the fire and when stepping on the other side we will think: "I enter the promised land". Finally, it will be necessary to get wet with sea water or, failing that, from the prepared basin.

Ritual of homage to the Sun

Since during the summer solstice it is the moment when the Sun reaches its highest point, another of the rituals that we can carry out is to pay homage to this star, the Astro Rey . First, it should be noted that the ritual should be performed around an altar, in nature, during sunset and an offering will be made. It is recommended to wear white with some yellow attire (ribbon, handkerchief, necklace), although it is not mandatory.

As for the altar, some considerations should be taken into account and prepared properly:

  • This: burn dried chamomile flowers or an incense of Archangel Jophiel
  • South: a yellow candle
  • West: water
  • North: a sunflower and a lemon
  • Center: sunflower seeds, a citrine gem and the offering that will consist of a bowl with honey, corn and yellow petals.

Next, you must start the invocations for the summer solstice ritual :

  • Request permission from the guardians of the place where the rite is performed.
  • Invoke the powers of the elements of Air, Earth, Water and Fire.
  • Present your respect to the beings that inhabit the four Cardinal Points and in the eight directions that govern the Universe.
  • Request the presence and help of the Archangels, especially the AA Jofiel.
  • To invoke our spiritual guides, beings of light, who together form a great circle of support and protection around us.

To take part in the ritual for the summer solstice you must follow these steps:

1. Meditation:

  • Connect with the mother earth and the father cosmos.
  • Visualize the second yellow ray that is under the protection of AA Jofiel, thus expressing our inner light and connecting us with wisdom and mental strength.
  • Connect with the column of light that comes back from the Great Central Sun.
  • And connecting with our ancestors up to 7 generations back, to cleanse the pain that has occurred in all of them and fill the space only light and love.

2. Dance: around the altar, with the song La Danza del Sole by Ochestra Vincenzi

3. Offering: we will deliver the offering to the Earth by burying it.

4. Closing: we thank all those who supported us in this ritual.