How to organize the New Year's Eve dinner at home

Let's assume that it is December 31, 2011 we will celebrate New Year's Eve with family or friends at home. To prevent the housewife from spending all day cooking, it is best to order the food because you will have enough work to fix the house. The important thing is to have fun and to make this as welcoming as possible. Here are some tips to organize the New Year's Eve dinner at home.

Steps to follow:


We will begin the decoration of the New Year's Eve dinner by cheerfully decorating the floor with garlands, streamers, balloons.


Then we will install the bar on a large table: glasses, ice, drinks, juices, napkins, cokes, cava, etc. Of course drinking cava in a plastic cup is a contradiction. I would say that on New Year's Eve it should be forbidden to drink champagne in a plastic cup. So we will put glasses and crystal glasses. Let's not forget the ice. People drink sodas and it is important that the ice is not missing. If as it is provable there is no space in the fridge, we will put a bucket with ice for the refreshments.


On this New Year's Eve night music is something that can not be missed. Maybe now they dance less than before, but at a New Year's Eve party it is essential. If we have a good music team, we will select the dance music with time.


Leaving a corner in the living room to dance if you want, so that on the other side of it, guests who do not dance can talk.


The bathrooms in the house should be arranged with a large funny sign on each door, if there are two we will reserve one for the ladies and another for the gentlemen with enough wipes for the guests, and the one for the ladies some good cologne, hairspray, hair brush, Forks. They are very long parties, where you have to have everything planned.


We must have plenty of coasters and paper napkins. We will remove all the ornaments that may hinder.


The kitchen must be impeccable, because in a party like friends or family, we can not prevent some from going to the kitchen for one reason or another.


We will have clean kitchen rags and several garbage bags to throw away all the waste.


At the New Year's Eve dinner, you can not miss the special food for that night, for example, seafood is a great dish for tonight.


To finish the New Year 's Eve dinner, it is essential to prepare the 12 grains of grapes and thus be lucky throughout the year.

  • At New Year's Eve dinner is a good time to prepare games with your guests.