How to attract love in the night of San Juan

On June 24 is celebrated the day of San Juan, a Christian holiday that came to replace the many pagan acts that took place in antiquity to welcome the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, which is given approximately June 21 of each year. Fire is the main element of this celebration, always charged with energy and many rituals. And when the goal is to bring love and romance into our lives, this is the ideal night. That's why in .com we explain how to attract love in the night of San Juan .

Ritual of the lace and the pink candle: to attract love

This is one of the most popular St. John's night rituals to attract love. All rituals should always be performed on the night of June 23 to 24, when the bonfires are lit. For this proposal you will need:

  • A pink candle rubbed with jasmine oil
  • Rose incense
  • Vanilla or violet perfume
  • A pink cloth bag
  • Green cord and red cord
  • A branch of verbena or violet
  • A small magnet
  • Red glitter
  • Ash from the San Juan bonfire

To perform this ritual it is important to have a bonfire lit for San Juan, preferably on the beach, a regular place for tonight's rites.

Light the pink candle and the incense preferably using the fire of the bonfire. Take the green cord and knot seven knots, always thinking of the idea of ​​attracting love to you, but without thinking of someone specific, because it is not about calling or tying a person, but to open yourself to love. After having done the seven knots, pronounce the phrase: by the forces of this magical night, I bring true love to me.

Throw part of the red glitter in the air, letting it also fall on you, and invoke the good energies with the phrase that the brightness of this dust illuminates and guides the path of love towards me.

Then in the pink bag you will have to place the knotted green cord, a little of the remaining red glitter, a little of the wax of the pink candle, if you make it the shape of a heart it is much better, and a little bit of ash from the bonfire of St. John. Invokes love asking that through the symbols of love that are conjured in this magical night, your life is filled with the love and happiness that are destined for you, thanks to the power of this sachet of San Juan.

Once the candle has been consumed completely, add the magnet and the verbena or violet branch to the bag. Close it with the red cord and carry it with you always.

Ritual of the red candles: to see our loving future

If you are currently in a relationship that is not going very well, you are separated from the person you love or waiting for love to come, this San Juan ritual is perfect for you. Remember that no ritual is meant to bind someone, simply to attract positive things in the plane of love, or clarify the picture in this regard. You will need to:

  • Two red candles
  • Pencil and paper
  • Yarrow flowers, milfoil or centre-leaf, depending on the country
  • Lavender flowers
  • Verbena flowers
  • 12 red rose petals
  • Ginger (fresh or powder)

On the night of San Juan, light in your room the two red candles and on a paper write the name of your partner, the person you have separated from or simply write the word soul mate, in case there is no one right now in your life.

Prepare an infusion by mixing three parts of the yarrow flowers, verbena, lavender, the 12 rose petals and a part of ginger. Wait until the water boils and then remove, strain the infusion and let cool. Place the mixture in a sprayer and spread the liquid around your room.

With the fresh wax of the candles, seal the paper with the name and place it under your pillow. In three days you must have a revealing dream that tells you where that relationship is going or shows you the face or the place where you can meet your love in case there is no one. It is recommended to record the dreams we have during those nights and then read them calmly.

Ritual of burning at the stake: to attract love

One of the most popular rituals for the night of San Juan is to burn at the stake all the bad things that this year has brought us, to get them away from our lives. But with this ritual we can also attract good things, write down on each of your wishes, in this case all linked to love, for example: attract love, open myself to love, forget a love of the past, overcome a loving disappointment, meet my love, among others.

In every role that you throw at the stake it is important to always concentrate with that thought in your head, in order to use the law of attraction in our favor. Do not forget to be grateful as your wishes are fulfilled, always giving thanks to the universe for having brought what you have asked for.