How to cure a urine infection in cats

Like most pets, cats can suffer from urine infections, especially females. The first thing that the owner of the animal usually detects is that the cat or the cat urinates a few times a day a few times a day, and sometimes the urine has a reddish color, because it can contain blood. In practice, it is not excessively complicated to cure a urine infection in cats, in .com we review how to do it.

Steps to follow:



Anorexia (lack of appetite) is a very common symptom of most diseases that affect cats, including urine infections.

A good diet helps to heal better and faster, but also, due to the metabolism of cats, and the way these animals have energy through fat stores, fasting is very harmful for them and can have serious consequences as alterations in the liver .

To avoid this, there are vitamin complexes, rich in nutrients, available in veterinary centers and specialized stores, which will provide the cat with the energy it needs, as well as stimulate appetite (some).

Many of these products have a good taste, so it is easier for the cat to take them, and if they do not, they can be administered directly in the mouth with a syringe (obviously without a needle) and a lot of patience.

If the above has not worked, you can resort to appetite stimulants .

There are several types, from some of the vitamin compounds mentioned above to diazepam at high doses (between 1.25 to 2.50 mg depending on the weight of the cat, every 8 hours orally), which your veterinarian will prescribe.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs)

They are used for a double reason. First, to improve the general state of the cat, since they are analgesic and get the cat to feel better; and second, because its anti-inflammatory effect can relieve cystitis (inflammation of the bladder wall of the urine), frequently associated with urinary tract infections.

It should be noted that many of these drugs ( NSAIDs ) can be very toxic to cats, especially those used in human medicine (aspirin, ibuprofen, paracetamol ...), since they can cause serious alterations in the coagulation . of gastrointestinal and renal problems .

In veterinary medicine, meloxicam has traditionally been used as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory for cats , with good results.

Although corticosteroids are extremely useful for their high anti-inflammatory power, they are not recommended in infectious diseases, as they can diminish the animal's defenses, delaying healing.



The role of antibiotics is fundamental in infections, since they are responsible for attacking the agent that causes the problem, the bacteria.

Generally, these infections are caused by germs sensitive to a type of broad spectrum antibiotics, that is, useful against a large number of bacteria called quinolones, such as enrofloxacin, marbofloxacin, or pradofloxacin.

Normally, long-term antibiotic treatments (two weeks, sometimes even more) are needed to solve the problem.

Anyway, before using any antibiotic it is advisable to perform a laboratory test called a culture, supplemented with an antiobiogram .

This is done by taking a sample of sterile (ie, uncontaminated) urine collected through cystocentesis (bladder puncture), which is grown to detect the type of bacteria that causes it. Once the bacteria responsible for the process is known, an antibiogram is performed, which is a test to know which specific antibiotic is effective against that bacterium.


Associated problems Some diseases, such as bladder stones, can increase the risk of infections. In these cases, it is also necessary to treat these associated diseases and not limit oneself to the infection itself.


We recommend that you take your cat to the veterinarian at least twice a year for a review.