4 recipes for Halloween without gluten

Have you been waiting for Halloween for the whole year? Do you like to celebrate this day, disguise yourself, decorate your house and eat terrifyingly delicious things ? If you are a big fan of this celebration, you want everything to be perfect on this day that you enjoy so much and would like to start preparing the decoration and the food to create an atmosphere of fear, it may be difficult for you to decide what things to choose to decorate your house and what food to serve your guests on this special night. Also, are you a celiac or is one of your guests? Now you can relax and start enjoying the preparations, since in this article of .com we are going to explain 4 recipes for Halloween without gluten with which you will enjoy for sure.

Ghosts and pumpkins, perfect for the little ones!

A very good option is to use fruit and vegetables to avoid gluten, so we bring you a great recipe for everyone and that will delight children. To make ghosts and fruit gourds you will need to gather the following ingredients and follow the steps explained below:

Ingredients to make ghosts and fruit pumpkins

  • Tangerines, from each one we will get 1 pumpkin
  • Bananas, from each one we will obtain 2 ghosts
  • A little celery
  • Round chocolate nuggets, if possible in two different sizes
  • Syrup or strawberry syrup, make sure it is from a brand that does not carry traces of gluten

Steps to follow to make ghosts and fruit gourds

Peel the bananas and tangerines that you are going to use, do not separate the segments of the tangerines since we will use them whole. To make the pumpkins you just have to cut the celery into small pieces to simulate the stem of the pumpkin. Introduce the piece of celery in each of the tangerines, in the center, making sure that the segments do not separate. To get the ghosts, you will have to cut the bananas in half and, in the part closest to the tip of the banana, place 3 chocolate nuggets, two to make eyes and one centered to make a mouth, if you put them in different sizes you will achieve that the face of the ghosts is even more expressive. If you want to give this dish a more terrifying touch, you can place them on a decorated plate or tray and pour them syrup or strawberry syrup without gluten on top, to achieve a bloody effect. You already have ghosts and pumpkins, very healthy, for all your guests! So easy you have got a very original and ideal Haloween dessert for the little ones.

Vampire cookies, you'll want to bite them

The cookies are very typical to offer to the guests, for this, in Halloween they can not miss some cookies vampires ! It is recommended that you do them in the morning so that you have time to have them ready for the night. To make Haloween vampire cookies, in which it really looks like a vampire has left its mark, you'll need the following:

Ingredients to make vampire cookies

  • Flour without gluten
  • 1 egg
  • Butter
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Vanilla extract
  • Blueberry or strawberry jam

Instructions for making vampire cookies

In a bowl mix the butter, an egg and a few drops of vanilla extract and beat well until there is a homogeneous mass, add a little salt and flour without gluten and mix everything until you get a uniform dough for the cookies . Wrap the dough in clear kitchen towel and let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Once it has cooled down and is well cooled, stretch it on the countertop or table with a rolling pin and leave it flat evenly at least 1/2 centimeter thick. Cut the dough with the mold you prefer, either round or in a special way that you like, you will need to cut two pieces to make a cookie, so if you want to make 10 cookies you will need 20 pieces of dough.

Put the cookies in the oven tray, we advise you to use baking paper, leaving a little space between each piece of cookie, add a bit of strawberry or blueberry jam, as you prefer, in the center of each cookie and place the covers of the cookies on top, press the edges of the two pieces a bit so that they fit together. Put the tray of cookies in the oven at 200 degrees for at least 10 minutes, remove them when they are ready and, while still hot, make a couple of holes, with a toothpick or a knife, in each of them so that the jam come out a bit, simulating the bite of a vampire and a bit of blood.

Merengue bones, a sure success!

The bones of the dead are an element that can not be absent in Halloween, so we suggest you include them in the dinner this night so terrifying. This recipe of merengue bones is easy, delicious and with a spectacular result to set your table. Being made of merengue are totally gluten free so they are a great option for celiacs to also enjoy a night of fear. To make this recipe you only need to gather the following ingredients and follow the instructions step by step:

Ingredients to make meringue bones

  • 3 eggs
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 1 lemon
  • Chocolate powder, brown sugar or cinnamon

Steps to follow to make merengue bones

Put the oven to preheat to 100ºC, while it warms up, separate the white and yolk of the 3 eggs, put the egg whites in a bowl and add a little lemon juice and 100 grams of sugar. Beat it for about 10 minutes so that it rises well and, on the baking tray with special baking paper, with the help of a pastry bag, make the bones with the meringue. Put the tray in the oven and let the meringue bones for 45 minutes in the oven . When the bones are ready, remove them from the oven and let them cool for a few minutes. Prepare a tray or a plate decorated with Halloween motifs and sprinkle a base of chocolate powder, brown sugar or cinnamon depending on what you prefer, place the bones in the dish and sprinkle a little more on top, this way you will make them look like medium bones. unearth.

Bloody and terrifying cocktail

Finally, we want to explain how to make a bloody and spooky cocktail for you to offer your guests. Being made with fruits is a recipe option for perfect gluten-free Halloween, since more than one will cost you to drink because it is terrifying. To make this bloody cocktail that includes eyes you only need the following ingredients and follow the instructions:

Ingredients to make a bloody cocktail

  • 250 grams of raspberries
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar
  • Water
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • Half melon
  • Round chocolate nuggets

Instructions to follow to make a bloody cocktail

Squeeze the lemon half to obtain the juice, put it in a bowl and add the 250 grams of raspberries, the 6 tablespoons of sugar and water, the amount of water will depend on the consistency you want the cocktail to have, crush everything until it is homogeneous . If you want you can strain the obtained juice to eliminate traces or, you can leave them to give a more realistic aspect to the bloody cocktail. Make small balls of melon with the help of a potato emptier, think about how many eyes you will want in each of the glasses, each ball of melon will be an eye. Add a nugget of chocolate to each of the melon balls, clavel them a little so that they hold up, or you can choose to use a little dark food coloring to simulate the pupils of the eyes. When you have them ready you can fill the glasses with the raspberry cocktail and place a pair of floating eyes in each one.

Get the best atmosphere for your Halloween night

Now that you know these 4 recipes for Halloween without gluten, you can now prepare a table of the most special for tonight. If you want to get a spectacular atmosphere for your Halloween party, we invite you to read these other .com articles that will help you get it:

  • How to make Halloween ornaments
  • 4 Halloween recipes without an oven
  • How to decorate the table for Haloween
  • Music for your Halloween party