Adverbs examples

Words can be separated by types according to their characteristics and the function they exercise within the sentence. In the case of adverbs, these are invariable terms used to specify the circumstances in which the verbal action takes place and we can also classify them according to their typology. In this article we want to explain in detail the different types together with examples of adverbs.

Adverbs of place

Place adverbs are those that indicate in what position or location a person or object is located.

  • Examples of place adverbs:

here, there, there, down, up, near, far, in front, behind, under, over, in front, around, where ...

Adverbs of time

In the case of temporary adverbs, they are used to specify the time or space in which the verbal action has taken place.

  • Examples of time adverbs:

today, tomorrow, soon, late, now, then, then, last night, always, never, before after, already, still, when ...

Adverbs of manner

To indicate the way or way in which the action explained by the verb is developed, we must use the adverbs of mode.

  • Examples of adverbs of mode:

well, bad, fast, slow, fast, easily, quickly, most of the ones finished in -mente, etc.

Adverbs of quantity

Quantity adverbs are used to quantify and specify tangible or intangible quantities.

  • Examples of quantity adverbs

much, little, enough, enough, nothing, too much, less, everything, alone, half, so, so much ...

Adverbs of doubt

To express doubt or possibility should be used adverbs of this type, among which we find various adverbial locutions.

  • Examples of adverbs of doubt:

probably, maybe / maybe, possibly, maybe, maybe, maybe, etc.

Adverbs of denial

Negative adverbs are used to modify the meaning of a sentence and thus indicate that it is negative.

  • Examples of adverbs of denial:

no, never, never, neither, negatively ...

Adverbs of affirmation

Contrary to the previous type, adverbs of affirmation specify the affirmative or positive meaning of a phrase.

  • Examples of adverbs of affirmation:

yes, of course, indeed, also, obviously, truly, true ...