Differences between meiosis and mitosis - we clarify it

If you study Biology, you may be familiar with cell reproduction. Cell reproduction is the natural process through which the cells of an organism pass, in which they divide, multiply and grow. This is how a child is produced from a sperm and an egg, or how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly.

However, cell reproduction and division go through different phases, among them those of meiosis and mitosis, which are usually a source of problems when differentiating between them. If this is your case, you have nothing to worry about, in this article we explain the main differences between meiosis and mitosis .

What is mitosis

Mitosis is the phase that precedes meiosis. Mitosis is the cellular reproduction itself, which can occur in different types of cells, and not only sexual, as we will see in meiosis. As a result, mitosis produces two genetically identical daughter cells . Next, we explain what the phases of mitosis are.

What are the phases of mitosis

  1. Interface : in this phase, the DNA is duplicated, beginning to form two cells that can be seen in the microscope with a dividing line or membrane between them. This phase is identical in both mitosis and meiosis.
  2. Prophase : in the prophase, the chromosomes begin to cross and distribute themselves in both cells. Later, the chromosomes begin to be ordered and they go to the center of the cell.
  3. Metaphase : this is the shortest stage of all. Here the chromosomes are aligned throughout the equator of the cell, which is an imaginary line that crosses the cell in half, as on Earth.
  4. Anaphase : this stage, on the other hand, is the fastest. Here the chromosomes divide and each sister chromatid (that is, the two halves of the same chromosome) travel to the opposite pole of the cell.
  5. Telophase : finally, the chromatids reach the opposite poles of the cell and new membranes begin to form around the child nuclei.

In many cases it also includes a phase called cytokinesis, which is the division of the cytoplasm of the mother cell, thus creating two "daughter" cells.

What is meiosis

The meisios, on the other hand, is the cell reproduction of diploid cells, that is, cells that contain a double number of chromosomes. Meiosis is often involved in the division of cells of sexual reproduction .

What are the phases of meiosis

  1. Interface : in this first cellular phase, the DNA separates into two. This can be clearly seen in the microscope, since when separating a kind of dividing line is contemplated.
  2. Profase : in this second phase the molecular chromosomes are crossed, thus allowing the dividing cell membrane to be separated little by little.
  3. Anaphase : then the anaphase takes place, when both cells, with the same chromosomes, separate definitively. Both approach the cell body that is forming, to continue doubling and growing.
  4. Telophase : in this last stage, each cell membrane is formed separately in each of the new cells produced. Here each cell already has its own genetic material. Next, the already completed cells divide again, forming more cells following the same process.

As a result, meiosis produces 4 genetically identical cells .

Similarities between mitosis and meiosis

Now that we know the differences and similarities of mitosis and meiosis, we will summarize the differences between mitosis and meiosis:

Mitosis / meiosis

  • Mitosis : cell division prior to meiosis / Meiosis : cell division after mitosis.
  • Mitosis : cell division proper / Meiosis : division of cells in the process of sexual reproduction.
  • Mitosis : 2 genetically identical cells / Meiosis are divided: 4 genetically identical cells are divided.

Now that you know how meiosis and mitosis differ, you may be interested in this other article on what is the difference between serum and blood plasma.