What is the meaning of LOL, OMG and WTF

They appear in text messages, in hashtags within social networks such as Twitter or Facebook and also in various written media. The initials LOL, OMG and WTF are everywhere, and many of us, who do not follow closely all the trends that are generated, do not know what these words refer to. Does that story sound familiar? Well, shake that doubt right away, because in .com we explain what is the meaning of LOL, OMG and WTF .

Steps to follow:


Acronyms, those initials that are pronounced as words, have been part of the Spanish language for a long time. Thus, we have acronyms such as UFO (unidentified flying object), which comes from the union of several words in Spanish, and also with others such as LED ( light emitting diode ) that come from English and have been incorporated into our everyday language.

This is a bit what has happened with the terms LOL, OMG and WTF, which come from popular English expressions that today are being inserted more and more in our written language.


But what do they mean? LOL has two meanings that point to something similar: I can not stop laughing.

On the one hand LOL can mean lot of laughs, in Spanish many laughs, or laughing out loud, which means laughing a lot. In both cases when someone writes LOL acronyms means that he is having a great time and that what you say seems funny to him.


The meaning of OMG on its part comes from one of the expressions most used by Americans: oh my god, which in Spanish would be oh my god. As it is possible to imagine by its meaning, it is an acronym that usually reflects surprise or astonishment.


For its part WTF is not always a welcome acronym, and is that its meaning might offend some for containing a strong word in English. This term means what the fuck !, which in Castilian would be something like, but what the fuck!

This expression, as is clear from its tone, may reflect surprise and, in most cases, discomfort and indignation.


Do you have a little clearer? You already know what is the meaning of LOL, OMG and WTF, now to use them when you see fit.