What is the easiest language in the world

In the world there are more than 8, 000 languages, most of which are spoken actively. However, we can find some languages ​​that are easier to learn than others, precisely because of their morphological composition. This is the case of English, so from .com we invite you to know which is the easiest language in the world through its main features.

Morphological analysis

English is configured as the simplest language at a morphological level. It refers to the internal structure of the words that make up this language. Likewise, the simple morphology of English can be seen in the processes of word formation and its relationship with other areas, such as syntax and semantics.


One of the most characteristic elements of English, by which it becomes an accessible language, are its verbal conjugations . The existence of only three people in them and the similar terminations in most of the times, facilitates the understanding of this language in an easy way.


As with verbs, the nouns that make up the English language are easy to learn, since the endings of the words are usually identical despite having different gender and to allude to the plural, you just need to add one "s "At the end of the word.


This simple structure is clearly seen in the articles that accompany the nouns, which are practically the same. Thus, to refer to any noun, it will be enough to write or name the article "the". This particularity converts English, at least as regards the morphological level, into the easiest language that exists.


English is characterized by being a language with sentences organized in a simple way . Thus, the most frequent is that you find short sentences, in which you only need to distribute the subject or article, the verb and the complements.


In the same way, the fact that English is the mother tongue of more than 400 million inhabitants and that more than 3, 000 million people know how to speak it, makes it an easy-to-understand language . Learning in which the morphological level, as you have seen, plays an important role.