How the days of the week are written in English

English is one of the most popular and used languages ​​in the world, being the most used to communicate when traveling or doing business. And to speak it correctly it is important to have clear the basic aspects of this language, that is why in .com we begin with a very simple lesson: the days of the week. Find out how the days of the week are written in English with their correct pronunciation and learn to work out better in this language.

The days of the week in english

Learning to write the days of the week in English will be basic to communicate on a daily basis, so pay attention because they are written like this:

  • Monday - Monday, pronounced mándei
  • Tuesday - Tuesday, pronounced tiusday
  • Wednesday - Wednesday, pronounced uénsdei
  • Thursday- Thursday, pronounced zérsdei
  • Friday - Friday, it is pronounced Fráidei
  • Saturday - Saturday, pronounced saterdei
  • Sunday - Sunday, pronounced sandei

Other basic words in English

In addition to writing the days of the week in English, it will be useful to know other basic words related to this topic, for example:

  • Day - Day, pronounced déi
  • Week - Week, pronounced uiik
  • Weekend - Weekend, pronounced uiikend
  • Holiday - Holiday, jolidei
  • Month - Month, pronounced mánz
  • Year - Year, pronounce iar
  • Holidays - Holidays, it is pronounced jolideis

We also invite you to consult other articles that are sure to interest you, for example how to write the months in English, the hours or the colors.