How to write judging or jusgar

At the time of writing certain terms, we often have doubts about its correct form, and this can happen on a regular basis with those words that carry the spellings 'z' and 's', since we are not entirely clear which of the two we must include. If you have ever asked yourself how to write judging or judging, pay attention to the following article in which we help you resolve this issue.


When we look for the term 'judge' in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), we observe that it is a verb of the first conjugation that comes from the Latin iudicāre and that is used under the following meanings:

  • "Deliberate about the guilt of someone, or the reason that assists him in an issue, and sentence what is appropriate."
  • "Form opinion about something or someone".


  • The judge has the right to judge whether the convicted person is guilty or innocent based on the facts.
  • I advise you not to judge a person without knowing them previously.

* jusgar

On the contrary, when introducing the term 'jusgar' in the dictionary we can verify that this is not registered and that in the suggested list of words with a similar writing, we find the previous form 'judge'.

It is for this reason that 'jusgar' written with 's' is completely incorrect and that we should always write the verb 'judge' with 'z' .