How to write decision or decision

Writing well without making spelling mistakes is essential when presenting important texts or essays. However, it is common for us to have doubts about what is the correct way to write certain terms, especially when we pronounce words differently than they are written. This happens more frequently, for example, in terms that contain the sound of the 'c' and the 's', pay attention to this article where we show you how to write decision or decision .


If we look for the term 'decision' in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), we note that it is registered and that it is a feminine noun that is used to refer to:

  • "Determination, resolution that is taken or given in a dubious thing".
  • "Firmness of character"


  • I have made the decision to leave this job and look for a new one.
  • Susana is clear about her decision and will tell us tomorrow afternoon.

* decision

On the contrary, when entering the term 'decision' in the dictionary, we immediately verify that it is not included in it and that, therefore, it is an incorrect word that should not be used in any case.

Thus, we conclude that the correct way is to write 'decision' with 'c' and not 'desicion' with 's'.